Recognize The Signs of Polyps in Time

Seek Medical Attention If You Notice Any Signs That Indicate You Have Polyps

Polyps in the large intestine represent a group of cells that arise on the mucosa. A polyp is mostly harmless, but in some cases, it can cause colon cancer, so it is necessary to know the signs of polyps.

Signs Of Polyps

The signs that can indicate that you have polyps in the colon are as follows: bleeding from the rectum – this does not necessarily mean that you have polyps, because there are other conditions that can cause this kind of bleeding; changes in bowel movements – if polyps appear they can cause constipation or diarrhea that can last longer than seven days; anemia and iron deficiency – if the polyps bleed for a long time, it can lead to iron deficiency and anemia; changes in the color of the stool – the color of the stool depends a lot on what food you have consumed, but if your stool is dark or black for a long time, it is a sign that you have bleeding in the colon; nausea, vomiting and cramps – if you often have these conditions, it may be a sign that you have larger polyps in the colon that lead to intestinal obstruction and cause all these symptoms.

If you notice any of these signs, it is best to seek medical advice immediately. With specialist examinations, it is very easy to determine whether you have polyps or not. If you have them, removing polyps is very simple, especially if they have just appeared.

To prevent a serious disease such as colon cancer, seek medical help if you notice any of the signs of polyps, so that the polyps can be removed immediately.